About the Learning Centre
The Learning Centre is a place where educators and parents come together to learn, share knowledge and resources, and observe the Reggio Emilia philosophy in practice at the Frog Hollow Children's Centres.
Our goal is to bring the principles of Reggio Emilia to as many communities in BC as we can and to provide individual, practical advice and tools to help all children and communities blossom.
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Above: Maryam and one of the children from the Learning Centre's programs.

Above: Maryam, Anna, and Gary of the Learning Centre at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House.
About Maryam
As the Director of the Reggio-Inspired Learning Centre, I work closely with Frog Hollow educators, children and their families in designing curriculum, I take part in professional development opportunities for Frog Hollow educators, and facilitate and organize workshops, tours, consultation services and roundtables for the Early Childhood Education and Early Years communities.
I was born and raised in Tehran, Iran and immigrated to Canada with my family when I was 16 years old. I was raised by very open-minded and supportive parents, spending my childhood listening to discussions about social justice and openness in society. My experience growing up in a culture outside of Canada has provided me with an appreciation for diversity and for the incredible opportunities and freedoms that we experience here. My background has played a huge role in who I am today and how I view the place of children – and adults – in society.
I am also the parent of two beautiful children who so generously teach me what I could not learn on my own – including who I am and what my values and limits are.
My passion for social justice and education led me to a B.A. in Community Rehabilitation Management and many years of working with infants, children, youth and adults with diverse abilities.
I was introduced to the Reggio Emilia approach at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House, where I began by coordinating a before- and after school program. I was incredibly inspired and excited by the principles and values of their Reggio-inspired approach and began researching and exploring a multitude of resources. The Reggio Emilia philosophy helped synthesize everything I have tried to get my mind around ever since I was a child.
I have spent the last few years reading, studying, reflecting, sharing ideas and visiting many Reggio-inspired sites and learning centres, including the Reggio Emilia schools in Italy, and it has been a beautiful and transforming journey.
As a parent, a woman and a citizen with uncompromising values, I consider myself fortunate to be constantly experiencing, thinking and re-thinking about children and education and I feel honored to take part in sharing this journey with the larger community.